Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who needs a floor?

Definetly not Madie...oh wait, yes she does!

We went and picked out new flooring today (because the original flooring we wanted was discontinued...). I'm happy because it's much darker, and we'll actually be saving money now! Yay!

I can't wait, I think we are going to go get it this week so that it can be put in (hopefully) over the weekend. I'm so happy I could cry. I really wanted it done before the shower and I completely doubted that it would be...but the shower isn't till the 29th, so we have just enough time!

Once that's done we need the chair rail & molding for the room...I think DH is going to do them the day before Thanksgiving. And then hopefully the day before the shower we can at least put together the crib, dresser & changing table (that needs to be painted, because it's off white =[)

Anyways, hope everyone had a great weekend!