Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby Shower <3

Yesterday I had my baby shower. My mom & My best friend hosted it. I had such a great time. I couldn't have asked for more.

We got so many amazing gifts, I can't believe how generous people were. We hardly have anything left to buy, just the monitors, crib mattress & baby carrier.

The nursery is almost done...but until then it's all in the dining room. =]

Enjoy a few pictures:

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Hope you had a great weekend!



Just wanted to share a couple 32wk pictures:

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Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

32wk Appointment

Ok, so I'm only 31wks & 5dys...but who's counting?? =]

DH & I went for the 32wk appt today, which means we had our third & final u/s. Madie looks really good, very healthy & all her parts are where they should be...haha, thank god for that, right?

Her heartbeat was a strong 142, she hated getting her picture taken (she is so my daughter already, I guarantee she'll be a photographer too...) and kept putting her hands in front of her face.

We got some 3D pictures, that are showing us her chubby little cheeks and her super cute button nose! =]

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In the last picture you can see her fingers on her forehead...she was getting ready to block the next few pictures.

We met with one of the Dr's after for a checkup & it looks like Madie is breech, again, but that she has more than enough room to flip back before labor. =]

Also, she's measuring in at just over 4lbs, and is in the 66th percentile for weight...which means that she might be our little chubby baby. I doubt that though, DH & I were both very small when born...but who knows, she might take after our siblings!

That's all for now. Hope your all satisfied! =]


I'm not a slacker, I'm just pregnant...

Ok, Ok, I know it's been a few days. But you'll be happy to know that right after this post I will be posting pictures from our ultrasound today! So now you can all stop criticizing me... =p

First, DH started putting Madie's floor in! Yayyy! I'll be posting pictures of that tomorrow because DH made me promise I would not take any until the entire floor was done. I'm going to obey him for fear that he might stop doing it if I disobey. =]

In other news, Ummm, my shower is in 3 days (technically)'s on Saturday. And it's early in the am, so I'm not counting Saturday.

Turkey day is in two if you don't count today or thursday...and I can't wait for turkey & gravy...and PUMPKIN PIE!

Ta-Ta. xo!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


DH went and bought the floor tonight!!

It's still in boxes, but it's here!!! =]


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who needs a floor?

Definetly not Madie...oh wait, yes she does!

We went and picked out new flooring today (because the original flooring we wanted was discontinued...). I'm happy because it's much darker, and we'll actually be saving money now! Yay!

I can't wait, I think we are going to go get it this week so that it can be put in (hopefully) over the weekend. I'm so happy I could cry. I really wanted it done before the shower and I completely doubted that it would be...but the shower isn't till the 29th, so we have just enough time!

Once that's done we need the chair rail & molding for the room...I think DH is going to do them the day before Thanksgiving. And then hopefully the day before the shower we can at least put together the crib, dresser & changing table (that needs to be painted, because it's off white =[)

Anyways, hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Here's the 30 wk pictures...only 10 more to go (give or take a few)! It's crazy to think I'm 3/4's done with this pregnancy already!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well, my photography website is FINALLY up & running! I'm so excited...I'm really hoping to book some weddings for next summer. Even if it's only a couple...just to get my foot in the door.

I did a bunch this summer as an assistant and two on my own. Hopefully, I'll be continuing along this crazy journey.

Check it out:
Pass it on to your friends & family. I AM WILLING TO TRAVEL, but they must pay for my travel expenses. =]


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Painting Part 2

I had to coach this morning...and when I came home, the second part of painting was done!

The husband is getting some major points today! =]

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Next is the chair rail & then the flooring...Whew.


Pumpkin-y Goodness

Last night I made some amazing pumpkin must try them.

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Pumpkin Bars
2 cups flour
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup cooking oil
2 tsps baking powder
2 tsps ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 15oz can pumpkin

Place mixture into greased & floured cake pan.
Bake @ 350* for 25-30 minutes or until inserted toothpick is clean.
Let cool for 2 hrs before frosting with cream cheese frosting.
**I cheated and used store bought frosting...**

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Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, everyone's prayers did me well. I passed my 1 hr glucose test...which means no 3 hr for this girl! Yay!

However, slightly bad news...I'm anemic. Woohoo. It's not that serious, nothing some iron supplements can't fix and it will go away after I have Madie.

Also, Madie baby is no longer breech! Round of applause for Madie!! =] And she still hates the heartbeat machine...

Starting now I have appointment every other week until 36wks and then I switch to once a week until I'm full term @ 40wks.

So, my next appt. is Tuesday the 25th & that will be my last ultrasound! And then the next time I'll get ti see my little bean will be the day I get to hold her in my arms. It feels so crazy to say that!


I'm a moron...

I never set my alarm last night and SLEPT THRU my appointment this morning. Luckily they got me in later today...I woke up and freaked out. It was a good start to my morning. =/

I was really upset because I wouldn't have been able to schedule my 32wk ultrasound...and today I should get my GD test results back. I'm praying that I don't have to take the 3 hr. I think you should all pray too!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Painting Part 1

Sooo, the husband went upstairs and painted the pink on Madie's walls today! Yay for him!

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**DH is turning that little cutout into a built in bookshelf!**

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**He really doesn't like having his picture I always make sure to torment him with the camera. =]**

Next is the chocolate brown paint on the bottom & then the white chair rail! And then we can finally lay the new flooring down. I'm really hoping we can do all this before the shower. Cross your fingers!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

GD Test #1

Ok so I just wrote this really long post about my glucose test for gestational diabetes...and then errored and deleted it. So, now your stuck with a short crappy post...

I had my test today, it sucked. The drink had ice chips floating in it and gave me brain freeze. The tech had no idea what she was doing and wanted to take blood from the left are that has no visible frikin veins instead of the right arm where there is a big ole vein poking out...

So, I now have swelling and bruising (which I have never had before after giving blood work).

That was the extent of my awesome day.


29 down, 11 to go!

Well my little Madie is currently a little squash (which I think is perfect, since it's almost Thanksgiving!!)...

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Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy (Belated) Halloween!

Just wanted to share a few pictures from last night (halloween):

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(I didn't really dress up...I was just sad that this was the first Halloween that I wouldn't have a costume. So, I pulled out a few pieces from last year's costume and put them on for this picture. Duke, however, got to wear his pumpkin hoodie again and he was less than happy with me. It's not my fault that he's put on weight and it no longer fits... =] )

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(It took me about 10 tries to get this picture. Usually, he sees the camera and stops whatever he is doing so that you can get a picture of him. He LOVES the camera...but he was obviously punishing me for putting this on him.)

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(And here's just a normal picture...Madie is 28wks and 1dy in this picture! Less than 12 wks to go!)

Hope everyone had a good Halloween! Next up, Thanksgiving!! =]
