Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, everyone's prayers did me well. I passed my 1 hr glucose test...which means no 3 hr for this girl! Yay!

However, slightly bad news...I'm anemic. Woohoo. It's not that serious, nothing some iron supplements can't fix and it will go away after I have Madie.

Also, Madie baby is no longer breech! Round of applause for Madie!! =] And she still hates the heartbeat machine...

Starting now I have appointment every other week until 36wks and then I switch to once a week until I'm full term @ 40wks.

So, my next appt. is Tuesday the 25th & that will be my last ultrasound! And then the next time I'll get ti see my little bean will be the day I get to hold her in my arms. It feels so crazy to say that!



Lindsey said...

I almost just teared up reading that!

I love you both!

Kristina said...

Congrats on passing your one-hour! Boo on the anemia :-( Just make more goulash and make your H eat it :-) (I will never forget that, it made me sniss with laughter.) Take care :-)