Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ohhh Madie. Come out, come out wherever you are!

I had my 38wk appointment today...and the Dr. decided to not think about inducing. Instead I had to go have bloodwork done, to check my count (for my anemia that isn't getting better) & to test my liver because it's acting up and over-producing salts. Which causes hives. fun.

Our next appt is on tuesday & they ordered another u/s to determine her weight/height. Based on that and if I'm dilated or not we will discuss the next steps.

Keep your fingers crossed that she comes on her own before then...or they decide to take her out next week. =]

I keep telling Madie that her momma is getting anxious...I think she's ignoring me.


1 comment:

corin said...

get used to that ignoring part! she'll be here before you know it. Good luck.