Thursday, February 5, 2009

Delivery Debacle: Chapter 3

I had to go to the hospital today. I've had really high blood pressure the past few days (usually around 150+/100+). They thought maybe I had pre-eclampsia so they wanted me to get tested and have my bp monitored.

Soooo, I got sent to the hospital from my Dr's appointment today and was given a room at the Snuggery (not exactly a place I was hoping to see again any time soon). My mom & Eric left work early to come be with me. Lindsey went with my to the Dr's to sit with Madeline but needed to go to work so my mom came to deal with Madie duty.

Turns out I tested negative for pre-e. Which is really really good. But my bp is still sky high. They are hoping that it is due to my uterine problems that I am having and that it will resolve itself after my D&C tomorrow.

But for the next week I'm on bp medicine. Boo.

Wish me luck! xo.

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