Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Delivery Debacle: Chapter 2

Since giving birth to my king size baby (all 9lbs, 3oz of her) I've been have copious amounts of bleeding.

I was prescribed Methergin over the weekend to help my uterus contract and then had to go into the office this morning for an ultrasound.

The conclusion is that since previously mentioned baby was SO large, my uterus was over-extended...and since we c-sectioned my cervix never opened more than 1cm. So, what that means is that my cervix closed back up before my uterus had a chance to empty out and go back to it's somewhat original size.

So, Friday afternoon I will be going in for a small surgical procedure called a D&C. Which means I will get some good drugs, they will dilate me & then suction everything out of my uterus...which they think might include some remaining pieces of the placenta.

Oh, good fun.

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