Saturday, October 25, 2008

More food! =]

Sorry that this blog isn't always about Madie & I. But I figured how many times can I say "Oh, she moved today!". haha.

So, I figured why not add other things...

The day that third tri started was also Mine & DH's 10 year anniversary of the day we started dating! Yup, 10 years. It's crazy, I know.

Well, I thought I would be a good wife and make an awesome dinner:

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AND, I made dessert: Champagne Chocolate Mousse with homemade Raspberry Whipped Cream:

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Oh, and yes, those flowers in the pictures were from DH! That man knows me so well! I'd rather have flowers than anything else! =]


1 comment:

Jenn said...

Flowers and diamonds are my too favorite things! Well, until little Emma is born. Happy Anniversary. Jerry and I were together for ten years on June 22nd. It is crazy, isnt it?