Madeline graced us with her presence on January 20th @ 6:40pm via C-Section. I gave natural labor a valiant effort, but my body just wasn't up for the challenge.
Monday, January 19th:
DH & I went in to the hospital at 7am for a scheduled induction. We were nervous...but extremely excited. By 8am we were settled in our private room, and by 8:30 I was checked by one of my Dr's MW's (midwife's). I was not dialted at all, but that was what we had expected...
At 9am the first dose of Cytotect was administered. I had already been having contractions, so those continued on. Around 10:30-11am they started to climb in intensity and time. They continued through-out the day on Monday. At 2:30 Monday afternoon I was once again checked for some's surprise, I was not any further dialted than I was that morning. So, because I was already contracting, I was given another dose. By 5:30 that evening, my contractions were intense, the worst I had had all day, coming closer and closer with eachone. I was checked again, and there was no more progression. I was quite upset.
Because of my contractions, I was administered Morphine for the night.I contracted through the night, although had very little pain. Thanks morphine!
Tuesday morning, the MW on call came in to check on me. We were extremly happy to find out that I was 1cm dilated! I was happy. 1cm might not seem like a lot...but it's better than nothing. We (MW, DR. & I) that we would start Pitocin. Since, I was contracting and dilated (somewhat) it seemed like the next best step. My mom & DH were my labor buddies, but I sent my mom to work for a half day, fully aware that I could perhaps not end up having her on tuesday at all.
By noon my contractions were coming about 60-90 seconds apart and about 3-5 minutes long. They finally started to even out to a good 2-3 minutes apart but because of Madie's sunny-side up position, my back labor was excruciating. At abour 4:15, while on my hands and knees my water FINALLY broke. We were so frikin happy that my mom and DH were dancing around the room. =] My mom turned to my nurse, Nicole and said "Would this be considered laboring?" Nicole smiled and said "Yes, finally." Within 10 minutes Nicole had the entire room prepped for delivery. All we were waiting on was my MW, Claudia. The next hour and 45 minutes were the worst. I layed curled to my side holding my Mom's and/or DH's hands saying:
*Stop touching me.
*Hold my hand.
*Please, stop talking.
*Talk to me about something, anything.
I felt awful for them...which was odd because I was the one in pain!
The contractions were about 30 seconds apart when my MW got there and checked me for dilation...and the room got very quiet. I'm not dumb, I knew what was going on. I wasn't dilated.
The Dr. came in shortly after and I was faced with a decision: continue to labor it out in hopes of having an natural labor...or throw in our cards and start prepping for a c-section. I could barely keep my eyes open as it was, I knew I'd never make it if we proceeded with labor. DH and I had already discussed what we would do.
So, We chose the c-section. My MW admitted that they had known all along this is where we would end up. (Thanks for letting me labor it out for 34 hrs!) I was checked for dilation at 5:35, we made the decision for the c-section at 5:45. By 6:00 I was being wheeled out for the OR. I was taken in, giving the spinal tap (heaven after all those contractions) and at 6:30 they called DH into the room.
It went smoothly, except for a little incident of my throwing up, and at 6:40pm on January 20th, 2009 Madeline Renee entered the world. We had quite the big girl on our hands. Weighing in at 9lbs, 3.3 oz and was 22in in length. She scored a 7, 9 on her apgar. Losing 2 points for color (she was blue) and 1 point for tone (on both the first and second test).
Mommy scarred Dady just once, while in recovery. I passed an apple sized clot that had the nurses a bit worried at first. MW was not too concerned but I was watched a lot closer after the fact and kept in recovery an extra hour.
Madeline latched on 20 minutes after being in the delivery room, and has been a completely godsend when it comes to breastfeeding. I'm not saying we haven't had our ups and downs, my left breast is having a hard time expressing milk and I am pumping to try and fix that. Also, because of my left breast, Madie dropped down to 8lbs 3oz, so we are giving her a few supplemental feedings, about 2 a day to try and help her get some of her weight back.
Welcome to the world, Madeline Renee.
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