Ok, so I'm only 31wks & 5dys...but who's counting?? =]
DH & I went for the 32wk appt today, which means we had our third & final u/s. Madie looks really good, very healthy & all her parts are where they should be...haha, thank god for that, right?
Her heartbeat was a strong 142, she hated getting her picture taken (she is so my daughter already, I guarantee she'll be a photographer too...) and kept putting her hands in front of her face.
We got some 3D pictures, that are showing us her chubby little cheeks and her super cute button nose! =]

In the last picture you can see her fingers on her forehead...she was getting ready to block the next few pictures.
We met with one of the Dr's after for a checkup & it looks like Madie is breech, again, but that she has more than enough room to flip back before labor. =]
Also, she's measuring in at just over 4lbs, and is in the 66th percentile for weight...which means that she might be our little chubby baby. I doubt that though, DH & I were both very small when born...but who knows, she might take after our siblings!
That's all for now. Hope your all satisfied! =]