*I can cry at will or over anything and usually every single day (wait, this may not be much different from my previous life)
*I am paying much more attention to a political race than I have ever before
* I want to talk to my mom a lot more
* I see the value in and look forward to spending hours of research on a product for a little girl or boy I haven't even met
* I am extremely gassy
* I have never loved hearing or seeing a name so much
* I have begun to dig up old childhood songs from my memory bank and sing them aloud and at will
* I touch my stomach and smile
* I smile and nod at other pregnant women and revel in this kinship I have with these strangers
* I have a whole new wardrobe
* I plan out future conversations in my head that I will have with a little girl or boy about the big issues
* I feel like if it were possible, I think I love my husband just a little bit more
* I am strengthening my relationships with others
* I am finally becoming aware of all of my gifts and am gathering them up to share with him or her
* I almost, just almost don't mind that I 'could stand to lose a few' but have never felt a bigger reason to lose them (later of course)
* I treat myself to whatever I want to eat simply because of a cliché (yeah, I play the 'P' card) and have discovered wonder of Toaster Strudels
* I forget a lot
* I pee a lot
* I feel like…no, no, no…I know that God has His hands all over me and Bean
* I am still married to control, but am having an affair with flexibility…and plan to leave control for flexibility one day
* I want to be a better person
ps. i stole this from futurekbdub...just for reference. and then i tweaked it a bit. =]