Well, It's sunday night...but Eric has tomorrow off too because it's Labor Day! Yay! =]
On friday, Eric spackled the nursery...now I'm just waiting, not so patiently for it to be sanded. I really wanted to have the bottom half painted by this weekend but that didn't happen. Now it will have to wait a few weeks.
We find out in 7 days whether we are having a boy or a girl! I can't wait! We have the bedding all picked out so as soon as we know, we can order it! It's the one thing I really wanted to get...since stores change their stock so much I wanted to be sure we got exactly what we wanted...
The crib and dresser should be ordered by next week...not that we will have a room to put it in. But, oh well.
xoxo. Ta-ta for now.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
19 weeks!

And guess what this means....well the 19 weeks anyways...that in one more week we will be half way there! Ack! So much to do...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ohhhh Sweet Autumn...

I just have to tell the world, or at least the people that stalk this blog that I simply adore Autumn and all that comes with it...
Let me list the reasons:
*Apple Picking
*Going to the pumpkin patch
*Carving pumpkins
*Cider Doughnuts
*Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks
*Fresh Cider
*Changing leaves
*Sam Adams Octoberfest beer...although we all know I have to pass on that one this year
*Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks
*Pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin anyyyyything
*Throwing on your favorite sweater
*A comfy pair of old clogs
*Football season
*Halloween...my favorite holiday
I'm sure there are a million more...but those are what I have right now. =)
Let me list the reasons:
*Apple Picking
*Going to the pumpkin patch
*Carving pumpkins
*Cider Doughnuts
*Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks
*Fresh Cider
*Changing leaves
*Sam Adams Octoberfest beer...although we all know I have to pass on that one this year
*Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks
*Pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin anyyyyything
*Throwing on your favorite sweater
*A comfy pair of old clogs
*Football season
*Halloween...my favorite holiday
I'm sure there are a million more...but those are what I have right now. =)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
5 Pools
Baby load...
So Eric's best friend John & his fiance Melissa are seriously the greatest friends. They called us this afternoon to go up to 5 Pools with them to check out the place they are having their wedding next September.
We got to the house and Melissa comes out with this huge shopping bag from Toys 'R' Us and says "They were having a huge sale, and I miss shopping for a baby...so I went a little crazy!" haha, that's an understatement! =]
I told her she should have waited till we knew what we were having and she said "No...I'm just gonna buy more then anyways!"
I can't wait to give their little boy, Kaiden, a little friend to play with!
Thanks again guys!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Fun Birthday Facts
Someone sent me this website where you enter the baby's estimated due date and then they pull up a bunch of facts for you.
Thought I would share what it said:
Fun Birthday Facts
Your baby's birthstone will be Garnet (Loyalty, Constancy)
Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Aquarius
Your baby's Flower is Carnation or Snowdrop (Black, Dk. Blue or Red)
Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Ox
This time next year your baby will be 30 Weeks Old!
Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?
Thought I would share what it said:
Congratulations!Your Due Date Is Thursday, January 22, 2009
Your conception date was most likely Thursday, May 01, 2008
Your conception date was most likely Thursday, May 01, 2008
You are in Week 18 of your pregnancy and your baby is 16 weeks old. Why is this?
Your Third Trimester will begin ***10/23/2008*** 126 days down, 154 to go!
Fun Birthday Facts
Your baby's birthstone will be Garnet (Loyalty, Constancy)
Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Aquarius
Your baby's Flower is Carnation or Snowdrop (Black, Dk. Blue or Red)
Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Ox
This time next year your baby will be 30 Weeks Old!
Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?
***I highlighted the day that I will start my third trimester because coincidentally that is the 10 year anniversary of the day Eric & I started dating!! How frikin weird is that??***
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
18 weeks and new pictures...
2nd Doctor's Appointment...
...was today.
Bean's heartbeat was nice and strong at 150. My blood pressure looked good, and I've only gained six pounds...which the Dr. says is good...I'll take her word for it!
That was basically it.
We made our appointment for the BIG ultrasound!! Yay! Hopefully Bean will work with us and show us the goods...whatever they may be! =]
So, check back September 8th...hopefully we will have some big news for you!
Bean's heartbeat was nice and strong at 150. My blood pressure looked good, and I've only gained six pounds...which the Dr. says is good...I'll take her word for it!
That was basically it.
We made our appointment for the BIG ultrasound!! Yay! Hopefully Bean will work with us and show us the goods...whatever they may be! =]
So, check back September 8th...hopefully we will have some big news for you!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Week 18

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Yay, for my little sweet potato baby! =] Bean is kicking up a storm these days, although they really just feel more like little pokes in my abdomen...
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last night we swung by the mall, for maternity jeans (yes, I caved) and then ran to Target to pick up a couple things.
There is this electronic counter called Itzbeen that with the push of a button keeps track of how long it's been since Bean had a diaper change, was feed, was put down for a nap, and how long it's been since given medication.
It was online for $24.99...and we bought it on clearance at Target last night for $6.44. Yay!
It will be good for me because I will never remember the times on my own...and I'd never write them down. It will be great to have in the nursery, and it's so easy to use!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The best feeling ever...
So, Eric & I played the flashlight game with the baby tonight.
You hold a flashlight to your stomach, the baby will react to the light. After a few seconds, I could feel Bean moving...kinda like when you go through the first big dip on a rollercoaster but much much lower in your body. =]
Then, a few minutes ago, while sitting here, I got two little kicks. Thanks Bean...Way to beat down on Mommy already! <3
You hold a flashlight to your stomach, the baby will react to the light. After a few seconds, I could feel Bean moving...kinda like when you go through the first big dip on a rollercoaster but much much lower in your body. =]
Then, a few minutes ago, while sitting here, I got two little kicks. Thanks Bean...Way to beat down on Mommy already! <3
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Oh the joys!
Pregnancy definetly has it's up moments! haha.
Here's what I currently look like:

I went to the eye doctors today and he asked "Did someone hit you in the eye?" I wanted to say "Yes, My unborn child sucker punched me!" Instead, I said "No, My morning sickness got the best of me!" He thought that was humerous. I often wish men could get pregnant.
Just thought I would share!
Here's what I currently look like:
I went to the eye doctors today and he asked "Did someone hit you in the eye?" I wanted to say "Yes, My unborn child sucker punched me!" Instead, I said "No, My morning sickness got the best of me!" He thought that was humerous. I often wish men could get pregnant.
Just thought I would share!
In love...
...with these shoes/slippers.
I just can't get over them, they are the cutest things! I can't wait to know what we are having so I can buy them for baby.
My favorite girls shoes:

My favorite boys shoes:

I just can't get over them, they are the cutest things! I can't wait to know what we are having so I can buy them for baby.
My favorite girls shoes:
My favorite boys shoes:
Baby Update...
I thought I should update, mainly so that my blog stalker, Morgan, had something new to read!
So Bean is still in there, growing quite intently...
thebump.com says:

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
We are hopefully going to order the nursery furniture within the next two weeks. This week the nursery should be cleaned out, so we can patch up holes, sand, and primer! We can't paint though until the first or second week of Sept...hopefully Bean will cooperate at the u/s so we will know if it's a Girl Bean or a Boy Bean. =]
Ta-ta for now! xoxo.
So Bean is still in there, growing quite intently...
thebump.com says:
Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
We are hopefully going to order the nursery furniture within the next two weeks. This week the nursery should be cleaned out, so we can patch up holes, sand, and primer! We can't paint though until the first or second week of Sept...hopefully Bean will cooperate at the u/s so we will know if it's a Girl Bean or a Boy Bean. =]
Ta-ta for now! xoxo.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
First Big Baby Purchase...
...and it wasn't even that big. =]
So, while looking for nursery furniture we found a great crib and dresser that we loved. However, there was no changing table to match it. After searching, I found one that resembled the crib and dresser but was through Target.

We were really excited till we noticed that the shipping costs for the changing table we're almost as much as it's $130.00 price tag. Ack! So, we decided that we'd just have to get something else.
Cut to today, I went to get a haircut in Glens Falls, and decided to stop by Target quickly. I'm walking through the baby section when the CLEARANCE sign catches my eye.
So, what is it do you ask? The frikin $130.00 changing table and guessssss what???
It's on SALE for $32.48.
I almost pee'd myself right there in the store!
So check out the picture above, Bean has a changing table! =]
So, while looking for nursery furniture we found a great crib and dresser that we loved. However, there was no changing table to match it. After searching, I found one that resembled the crib and dresser but was through Target.
We were really excited till we noticed that the shipping costs for the changing table we're almost as much as it's $130.00 price tag. Ack! So, we decided that we'd just have to get something else.
Cut to today, I went to get a haircut in Glens Falls, and decided to stop by Target quickly. I'm walking through the baby section when the CLEARANCE sign catches my eye.
So, what is it do you ask? The frikin $130.00 changing table and guessssss what???
It's on SALE for $32.48.
I almost pee'd myself right there in the store!
So check out the picture above, Bean has a changing table! =]
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Shopaholic and Baby...
I think we can all agree that I have been fairly low key when it comes to shopping for my little bean...
With that being said...I bought a few things for Bean's nursery last weekend. We went to this cute little cottage crafts store and found some great things for really cheap. And if your anything like me you just read that last sentence and went "Well, I don't blame her!" =]

The first one was just so cute and nursery-ish.
The last one however means alot to DH...Amazing Grace was his Grandmother Joanie's favorite song, and it was the song they played at her funeral about 10+ years ago.
We now live in his Grandmother's home and we like to think that's she is here watching over us and someday watching over Bean. When we saw this we just had to have it for the nursery.
In other news, I'm completely obsessed with Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. It's frikin to die for!! I try really hard to not eat a lot of it, but I eat it every night...
Bean seems to be happy in it's little residence, we played the flashlight game last night and got a few movements. =]
With that being said...I bought a few things for Bean's nursery last weekend. We went to this cute little cottage crafts store and found some great things for really cheap. And if your anything like me you just read that last sentence and went "Well, I don't blame her!" =]
The first one was just so cute and nursery-ish.
The last one however means alot to DH...Amazing Grace was his Grandmother Joanie's favorite song, and it was the song they played at her funeral about 10+ years ago.
We now live in his Grandmother's home and we like to think that's she is here watching over us and someday watching over Bean. When we saw this we just had to have it for the nursery.
In other news, I'm completely obsessed with Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. It's frikin to die for!! I try really hard to not eat a lot of it, but I eat it every night...
Bean seems to be happy in it's little residence, we played the flashlight game last night and got a few movements. =]
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
16 wks, Here we come!
So, Little Bean is just 2 days short of 16 wks.

I can't believe it's already been two weeks since we first saw baby. Two more weeks till our next checkup, when we will get to here the heartbeat again! Yay! And at that checkup we will schedule our BIG U/S in which we will find out the sex of the baby! Double Yay! =)
So enjoy the new picture....
I'm sure I'll be adding more soon. xoxo.
I can't believe it's already been two weeks since we first saw baby. Two more weeks till our next checkup, when we will get to here the heartbeat again! Yay! And at that checkup we will schedule our BIG U/S in which we will find out the sex of the baby! Double Yay! =)
So enjoy the new picture....
I'm sure I'll be adding more soon. xoxo.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Bunnies and Hearts
So the other night we (DH & I) were talking and he said I needed new baby bump pictures...

**I've had love for you since the moment I knew you we're there.**
Oh yeah, and here is my first guilty baby purchase. I bought this the second I got my BFP (big fat positive). I adore this bunny...and can only hope my little bean does too!
**I've had love for you since the moment I knew you we're there.**
Oh yeah, and here is my first guilty baby purchase. I bought this the second I got my BFP (big fat positive). I adore this bunny...and can only hope my little bean does too!
Nursery Before...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
First time for everything...
So, here it is, my first attempt as a blogger...and a baby blogger none the less.
Let's see, Baby Rosenbrock is currently 15w2d. And still growing. =]
Things seem to be coming along nicely. The belly is getting round, baby shopping has commenced and DH(that's darling husband for you non-nesties/bumpies), is at my beck and call. ;)
Our first appointment went very well, the heartbeat was a ravishing 146 and all ten toes were accounted for. yay!

And here is the first bump picture...taken at 14wks.

Thanks for reading...I know it's not much, but I'll be working on it.
Let's see, Baby Rosenbrock is currently 15w2d. And still growing. =]
Things seem to be coming along nicely. The belly is getting round, baby shopping has commenced and DH(that's darling husband for you non-nesties/bumpies), is at my beck and call. ;)
Our first appointment went very well, the heartbeat was a ravishing 146 and all ten toes were accounted for. yay!
And here is the first bump picture...taken at 14wks.
Thanks for reading...I know it's not much, but I'll be working on it.
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